On March 16, 2023, Medicare issued MLN Matters - MM13094 which clarified language related to the January 1, 2021 rule that expanded the list of providers who can supervise diagnostic tests to include Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs), Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and Physician Assistants (PAs). The rule clarifies that “when NPs, CNSs, and PAs personally perform diagnostic tests as provided under Section 1861(s)(2)(K) of the Act, the supervision/collaboration requirements under Section 1861(s)(3) of the Act and 42 CFR 410.32 don’t apply. Rather, these practitioners are authorized to personally perform diagnostic tests under the supervision/collaboration requirements applicable to their practitioner benefit category pursuant to state scope of practice laws and under the applicable state requirements.” These services should be billed to Medicare under the practitioner’s own provider number and may not be billed as “incident to.”
MM13094 may be found here.
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